Wednesday 2 May 2018

Most Nigerians Are Terrorists.

I think some Nigerians need a brain and conscious update.
We can't be a great nation if we continue being selfish and hypocritical.
It is so sad that when insurgence and terrorist attack and kill innocent lives in Jos, Benue and Taraba the first thing that comes to the mind of these set of people is "They are killing our people" and the other set are like "Thank God it is not our people". The story is vice-vasa when the killings happen in Kano, Sokoto, Borno, Yobe and Zamfara. But what is so annoying, painful and heartbroken is when i read post of elites, and respected members of the society saying things like "We should start revenging" or "Am happy they are now feeling what we felt" then you know that this Nation is in a state of great shambles.
How can people die and you call it film trick? How can you sleep in peace when women and children are being butchered? What does it make you, when Muslims kill Christians and you celebrate, A Good Muslim? No. Or when Christians kill Muslims and you Jubilate, A good Christian? No way. All of you thinking like that are nothing but bunch of Indolent, phony, melancholic, stupid, cowardic terrorist too.
I can't count the number of times I felt, sad, heartbroken and shed tears after reading, listening or watching the horrible tragedies of the brutality on innocent lives.
I keep asking myself, am I the only person who is not stupid in this country? Am the only one who is conscious about the writings in your scriptures that rules against the killings of innocent lives?  Am I the only person sensible enough to say no to revenge because you are not killing the same person that killed you family member or friend?  (this act only escapades the issue,  because his family will go after another family,  and that family will go after another.)
Am I the only person who doesn't care about Religion, Race,  tribe, region,  state, party or ethnicity when it comes to the issue of saving the lives of the innocent? I doubt it. So if you really exist,  and agree with me that Every life has a right to life and every life has the right live, then please put all your sentiments aside and join me in the campaign and let's all #SayNo2TheKillingsOfTheInnocents. And let us prove that Most Nigerians Are Terrorists.

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